Graduation Single Course Examination Workflow


%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize': '24px', 'fontFamily': 'arial', 'lineWidth': '3px'}}}%% graph TD subgraph Application[" "] app_title[" APPLICATION PROCESS "] A([Start])-->B["Student applies to Department Head
with 'Single Course Exam Form'
before the graduation single course
exam date specified in academic calendar"] B-->C["Department Head evaluates
with consideration of
student advisor's opinion"] C-->D["Applications submitted to Directorate
with Department Head's opinion
are decided by School
Administrative Board"] end subgraph Evaluation[" "] eval_title[" EVALUATION PROCESS "] D-->E{"Graduation
single course exam
right granted?"} E-->|"No"|F["Cannot Take
Single Course Exam"] E-->|"Yes"|G["Students benefit from exam right
on date and time determined by
relevant instructor within single course
exam period specified in academic
calendar of related academic year"] end subgraph Result[" "] result_title[" RESULT PROCESS "] G-->H["Exam grades are reported by instructor
to Department Head, and Department Head
reports to Directorate with
official letter"] end %% Explanation notes B-.-N1["Application Requirements:
1. Enrolled in related course
in final semester
2. Met semester/year-end
exam requirements
3. Single course remaining
for graduation"] G-.-N2["Success Criteria:
1. Minimum 50 points for
associate degree
2. Grade directly converted
to letter grade"] H-.-N3["Grade Reporting:
1. Instructor -> Department Head
2. Department Head -> Directorate
3. Grade entry via system"] %% Style definitions classDef default fill:#f0f4f9,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:3px,color:#233B87,font-size:24px classDef decision fill:#233B87,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:3px,color:white,font-size:24px classDef start_end fill:#dfe6f2,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:3px,color:#233B87,font-size:24px classDef note fill:#fff,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 6 6,color:#233B87,font-size:22px classDef title_style fill:none,stroke:none,color:#233B87,font-size:26px,font-weight:bold %% Apply styles class A start_end class E decision class N1,N2,N3 note class app_title,eval_title,result_title title_style %% Subprocess styles classDef subgraph_style fill:#f8f9fa,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:3px class Application,Evaluation,Result subgraph_style