Unit Strategic Goals and Objectives

Unit Strategic Goals and Objectives

Strategic Goals Strategic Objectives
1. To provide a student-centered and quality-focused education and training, 1.1. Continuing Education Curriculum Development Studies
1.2. Providing Modern, Productive and Research-oriented Teaching Methods to Students Effectively
1.3. Increasing Students' Knowledge and Experiences Related to Practice
2. To increase the number and quality of scientific publications and research activities 2.1. Increasing the Number of Scientific Publications of Academic Staff
2.2. Encouraging Participation in National and International Scientific Meetings and Activities
2.3. Increasing the Number of University Research Projects and Graduate Studies Supported by Non-University Organizations
3. To increase the quantity and quality of human resources, 3.1. Improving the Working Environment of Academic and Administrative Staff
3.2. Increasing the Quantity and Quality of Administrative and Technical Staff
3.3. Enhancing Satisfaction of Academic, Administrative and Technical Staff
4. To develop physical and technological infrastructure, 4.1. Improving the Physical and Technical Facilities of Laboratories
4.2. Carrying Out Improvement Works for Faculty Rooms and Classrooms
5. To be a vocational school with high interaction with students, whose graduates are preferred and sought after in the market, 5.1. Providing Services, Activities and Events that Will Give Students Experience Regarding University and Post-University Life
5.2. Developing Social, Cultural and Sports Activities for Students in Terms of Quantity and Quality
5.3. Strengthening Relations and Interaction with Students