Part Time Student Employment Workflow


%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize': '24px', 'fontFamily': 'arial', 'lineWidth': '3px'}}}%% graph TD subgraph RequestInfo[" "] request_title[" REQUEST AND INFORMATION PROCESS "] A([Start])-->B["Request quotas from Health,
Culture and Sports Department
for each academic year"] B-->C["Announcement on website by
Health, Culture and Sports Dept.
within Directorate's quota"] end subgraph Application[" "] app_title[" APPLICATION PROCESS "] C-->D["Students submit application
form and documents
in person"] D-->E["Selection of students by
relevant commission
established at the School"] end subgraph Evaluation[" "] eval_title[" EVALUATION PROCESS "] E-->F{"Result
Positive?"} F-->|"No"|G["Work Request
Rejected"] F-->|"Yes"|H["Selected students are
reported to the
Directorate"] end %% Explanation notes B-.-N1["Quota Request:
1. Unit needs determined
2. Work requirements specified
3. Reported by end of September"] D-.-N2["Application Documents:
1. Application Form
2. Student Certificate
3. Transcript
4. Disciplinary Status"] E-.-N3["Evaluation Criteria:
1. Academic performance
2. Disciplinary status
3. Work experience
4. Work area suitability"] %% Style definitions classDef default fill:#f0f4f9,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:3px,color:#233B87,font-size:24px classDef decision fill:#233B87,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:3px,color:white,font-size:24px classDef start_end fill:#dfe6f2,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:3px,color:#233B87,font-size:24px classDef note fill:#fff,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 6 6,color:#233B87,font-size:22px classDef title_style fill:none,stroke:none,color:#233B87,font-size:26px,font-weight:bold %% Apply styles class A start_end class F decision class N1,N2,N3 note class request_title,app_title,eval_title title_style %% Subprocess styles classDef subgraph_style fill:#f8f9fa,stroke:#233B87,stroke-width:3px class RequestInfo,Application,Evaluation subgraph_style